Sonja Maas

Sonja Maas

2023 EAGLE Student


Hi, my name is Sonja and I am from Herford, a small town in North-Rhine Westphalia in Germany. I did my bachelors degree in forestry at the HAWK Göttingen where I discovered my interest in remote sensing, especially its applications in the forestry sector. During my studies I had the opportunity to work as a student assistant in a course about UAV applications in forestry, where I worked with students on several smaller projects, obtaining and analysing data. This and some other courses made me begin to realize that a big part of future forest management will be based on remote sensing, which immensely increased my interest and curiosity in this area.

Through the EAGLE program I hope to deepen my knowledge about remote sensing and geoanalysis, to be able to help implementing new techniques in forest management and conservation.

Whenever I am not focused on studying I like to pursue my hobbies, especially biathlon, crafting or making music.


Background image: Lena River Delta