Anna Bischof

Anna Bischof

2023 EAGLE Student


Hi! I’m Anna, originally from Munich, Germany. I studied Environmental and Spatial Sciences for my bachelor’s in Lüneburg, with the intention of spending more time outdoors. However, at the time very surprising to me, I enjoyed the Python programming classes most.

While interning at the UNESCO National Commission of Kenya, I delved deeper into GIS and Remote Sensing, which provide a great connection between my interests in environmental sciences and programming. Alongside my studies, I also taught programming basics to both first-semester students and children as young as nine years old. It was fascinating to see how quickly the children were able to learn the basic concepts of computational thinking. I would also love to start a FLINTA* programming club here at the university, to offer a safe space for women* who enjoy coding or would like to learn it.

For EAGLE, I look forward to further exploring my interests in conservation topics, and deep learning methods, as well as delving into urban research areas. I’m excited to experiment with new remote sensing methods and learn how to fly a UAV.

When I’m not at university, I enjoy cooking, preferably with friends. I also love hiking, swimming, or simply spending time outdoors whenever possible.




Background image: Northeast Kenya