Sunniva McKeever
2022 EAGLE Student
Sunniva is from Aachen, Northrhine-Westphalia, and also completed her Bachelor in Applied Geography at the RWTH Aachen. Enjoying the mix of more abstract and practical knowledge, she chose computer science and mathematics as her minor and elective module to complement the geography lectures.
She was lucky to stumble upon remote sensing via her student assistant job. To be honest, mining dams just look impressively colourful from above. In the EAGLE study program, Sunniva wants to learn about many further applications of remote sensing and improve her programming skills.
Sunniva plays the violin in an orchestra and piano whenever one is around, her favourite composers are Grieg and Rachmaninow. Otherwise, she enjoys going swimming – both in a warm pool or the cold Main – strolling around in the woods and wineyards or just reading a good book in her cozy armchair.