Ronja Seitz
2022 EAGLE Student
Ronja comes from a small town not far away from Munich, Germany. She also did her Bachelor’s degree in Munich in Geography focussing on Physical Geography, GIS and Remote Sensing. During this time, she also tutored for GIS courses and worked as a student assistant on a project about cropland expansion in Tibet.
An internship in Latvia is her, so far, only experience working and living abroad. There she worked in nature conservation, in particular in grassland monitoring and management. While being there for doing fieldwork she quickly realized that a Remote Sensing or GIS specialist would be a good addition for her internship organisation. So, she implemented some GIS and Remote Sensing Applications in her daily work. This was also the first time when she really knew what she wanted to do after her Bachelor’s degree – Remote Sensing.
From the EAGLE Program she expects to get all the necessary tools to work independently with all kinds of data and to find possible applications which will be useful for future projects.
During her free time, she enjoys the outdoors while hiking or biking or staying home to knit, watch movies or read book.