Jakob Wachter

2019 EAGLE student | Member of the Students' Board

Jakob Wachter was born and raised in a small town in Bavaria about an hour south of Würzburg. He studied geography at the university of Würzburg for a Bachelor’s degree, where he did an internship at the department of remote sensing and has been a tutor of remote sensing for the younger students until today. To broaden his horizons of knowledge he is very thankful for the opportunity he had when he was doing an internship at the German Aerospace Center DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen, where he gained experience and confidence by simultaneously doing research for his bachelor thesis concerning a dam burst in Brazil.  

Learning methods of remote sensing is a great opportunity to him in order to apply them in a wide variety of important topics such as climate change, ecology and disaster management. These are the areas of particular interest to Jakob and where he wants to make a contribution. Therefore, learning as much as possible about programming and analysis of remotely sensed data is a perfect preparation for his future.

Apart from his studies and contribution to the master program organization as a students board member, Jakob is passionate about several sports like field hockey, football and cycling. 

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