Ummehani Hassi
2018 EAGLE student
Ummehani Hassi (26) comes from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. She studied Soil, Water and Environment at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. She was involved as a research associate and program assistant at the Climate Change Unit of the Christian Commission for Development of Bangladesh (CCDB), a national NGO. She worked as a voluntary staff member for the Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management Research Group at Ghent University in Belgium. Previously, she conducted research on heavy metal contamination and has international publications on phytoremediation of arsenic in rice and heavy metals in tobacco products. She believes that the application of remote sensing in agriculture is an emerging field and precision agriculture is a new technology which will lead the future generation of agriculture.
She joined the EAGLE master program to learn remote sensing and its application in agriculture, food security and agricultural pollution.
In her spare time, she loves to travel in the country side and to snap wildflowers, especially herb plants.