Hyeonmin Kang
2020 EAGLE Student
Hyeonmin Kang was born and raised in Seoul, where only 9.7 million people live in South Korea. She is a city person but is very satisfied in Würzburg. She studied Nutritional Science and Chemistry at Sookmyung Women’s University in Seoul. At that time, she wanted a completely different life and suddenly started to learn German in her last semester. She started her new bachelor “Forest science and ecology” at the University of Göttingen and her forest master at the same university. During that time, she found her passion for remote sensing and forest monitoring and decided to be part of the EAGLE master and leave Göttingen. She is very interested in global forest cover mapping, forest monitoring, and programming with R.
She loves exercising her mother tongue by watching old Korean shows (but never K-pop, never talk about K-pop to her) or talking with her family and friends. She loves visiting tasty vegan restaurants in cities with her friends and walking in the forest, checking if she still remembers all the Latin names of trees and small plants. Her wishes are to have a plant room in her house and a big garden. One of her goals in her life is to be a hard-core environmentalist and get the word out that a lot of European forests are in danger. Please look for Carpathians in Romania and Bialowieźa Forest in Poland.