Louis v. Freytag-Loringhoven

Louis v. Freytag-Loringhoven

2016 EAGLE Student

Louis v. Freytag-Loringhoven (26) comes – as some others of the first EAGLE students – from Munich. His personal interests and hobbies are any kind of activities with friends. Louis likes to play group sports like soccer, basketball and table football. He did his Bachelors in Geography at the University of Würzburg. During his first degree, he came in touch with the Department of Remote Sensing. Louis started working as a tutor, as such he already taught the basics of remote sensing.

He joined the EAGLE program to improve his knowledge in remote sensing and related topics. He is interested in learning more about the different parameters and models that can extract information of the land use and surface characteristics. Louis wants to combine several kinds of skills to support decision makers.